Sustainable Travel Challenge

Let’s admit it, depending on where you are coming from traveling to Copenhagen is not beneficiary to the current environmental challenges we face. However, according to the United Nations Sustainable Transport Conference, the answer to global transportation challenges is not less transport, but more sustainable transport. So, while we try to think of ways to keep the event itself as sustainable as we can, we would like to encourage all of you to join the second ‘EWDA Student Sustainable Travel Challenge’! The first one took was part of the Lyon symposium in April, 2019.

How it works

– Think of the most sustainable way you can reach Copenhagen from your origin. (And since we need creative minds to conquer all the other challenges we are facing too: creativity will be rewarded as well).
– The Facebook page can help you to find other students traveling from the same place.
– Fulfill your plan and come to Copenhagen.
– Along the way, save a visual summary of your trip (e.g. a picture, a poem you write based upon your experiences, the best quote ever, the map you used not to get lost…)
– Upload your ‘summary’, together with a short description and the distance to our website…
– Wait for others to do the same.
– Pick your favorite.
– Remember: not everything on this planet is fair. This competition will be highly subjective. Eternal you-saved-the-planet-a-little-bit will be everyone’s price!
– In case you get the most votes: receive your price (a suitable gift will be carefully selected by the Student Chapter board).

Note: the requirements for this challenge are not very high, however, anyone traveling by plane is disqualified.

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